Code of Ethics and Standards

Code of Ethics & Standards

Respect for those with whom we work, partner with financially, and serve; Integrity in our actions;
Responsibility for our decisions and their consequences.

  • We believe that acting ethically is acting in the strength of God’s love for us and thus is the foundation to all that we do.
  • We are committed to act honestly, truthfully and with integrity in all our transactions and dealings.
  • We are committed to avoid conflicts of interest and the appropriate handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest in our relationships.
  • We are committed to treat our contacts fairly and to treat every individual with dignity and respect.
  • We are committed to treat our employees with respect, fairness and good faith and to provide conditions of employment that safeguard their rights and welfare.
  • We are committed to be a good corporate citizen and to comply with both the spirit and the letter of the law.
  • We are committed to act responsibly toward the communities in which we work and for the benefit of the communities we serve.
  • We are committed to maintain the ethical conduct and effectiveness of our nonprofit organization and by doing so, to help improve the same for the entire nonprofit field.


This Code of Ethics was approved by SCA International Board on November 16, 2015.

In addition to our Code of Ethics, SCA International adheres to the following Operational & Financial Standards:

  1. Have a declared doctrinal position expressing a commitment to the Christian faith
  2. Have an independent, active governing board
  3. Have an independent audit of our financial statements
  4. Will provide our annual audited financial statements to any person upon request
  5. Have an audit review committee that reports to the governing board
  6. Carry on their activities with the highest standards of integrity
  7. Have a declared stewardship policy which affirms, among other things, that no person receives a commission based upon gifts received by the ministry
  8. Have a program to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization’s activities
  9. Respect the privacy of the beneficiaries of their ministry and have a Code of Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability.Feel free to speak with us about these standards.